Box AI API Documentation

Box AI API allows you to use Box AI functionality in your custom applications. For example, you can implement Box AI question and answer functionality in your third party applications or generate content right in your product’s content editor.

Box AI API and Box AI for UI Elements are beta features, which means the available capabilities may change. Box AI features are available to all Enterprise Plus customers.

Currently, you can ask Box AI to answer your questions, summarize the document content, or generate text you can use in your documents. Check the Box AI API developer guides to learn more about Box AI and check the API Reference for details.

Box AI Developer Zone

Alongside with the Box AI API, we have launched a new developer documentation demo page. Box AI Dev Zone allows you to explore the Box AI API through rich, interactive experiences. You can view use cases, example prompts and responses, and sample code.

Box AI for UI Elements

Box AI for UI Elements enhances the Content Preview header with AI Q&A functionality. The new Box AI for UI Elements allows the users to embed AI functionality in their custom applications to facilitate answering questions and taking actions like summarizing a document.

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As annouced today at BoxWorks, we will be relasing the Box AI API set in the coming months. This is a sneak peak at how the endpoints are structured and what you can do with them. Feel free to ask any questions or share any thoughts!


Attaching a summary of yesterday’s Q&A with our product team on the API here[here]
(AI and Productivity - BoxWorks recap)

If you are interested to participate in our limited beta please reach out.

Any update on mutliple_item_qa?

Hi Adam, we’re still working through how it will work. Not imminent, but in the works.