Box Web Integrations not Visible when Multiple files are Selected

Trying to build an Integration in box cloud:

  1. Application Type: Custom App
  2. Authentication Type: OAuth 2.0
  3. Context Menu items are added using “Web Integration”

My Web Integration (Context Menu) Configuration is:

  1. Supports all file extensions
  2. Integration Type is “Files”

Everything is working as expected when select a single file and perform the context menu action. However, my context menu option is not visible when I select multiple files.

Hi @sarin-vt ,

I’m not 100% sure if this is not by design…

Let me ask around.


It looks like this is by design.

For example, default installation, simple text files:

We can see a few integrations available. However when multiple files are selected:

The integrations are gone.

I do see your point, there should be some sort of option where a developer could declare if it accepts multiple files or not, and if the application is expected to receive a list of file ids or trigger multiple requests.

Anyway this is great feedback. Would you mind including it on our product feedback portal?

This is how our product managers gather feedback from customers and they use it to decide on things like road map, and a note form a customer or developer has some weight.


Thanks, @rbarbosa for the response.

It would be a really useful functionality for many integrations. There are many integrations with requirements to process multiple files at once.

I will add the feedback on product feedback portal

Thanks, Sarin

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